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Logo Artist

Thomas Collier-O'Neal

Thomas Collier-O'Neal created a Thank You card for the Mindful Eating class we had at Victor H. Hexter Elementary.  My friend Donna Anderson Collins Yamini donated some of her exquisite jellies, jams and curds from her company, The Jelly Queens.  The kids absolutely had an incredible time in this practice of slowing down and savoring the flavor of every bite.

When I received Thomas' card, I knew that his drawing was the perfect logo for  Mainstream Mindfulness.

His parents - Greg O' Neal and David Collier - were excited to know that Thomas' artwork would be used.

A donation was made in honor of  Thomas to Dallas CASA ( ) in support of the work they did with Thomas and his sister, Summer, and all kids who are provided a safe place for healing.

© 2020 Mainstream Mindfulness  *  Tools for Positive Living

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