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What is Mindfulness?

"Mindfulness is awareness

that arises through paying

attention, on purpose, in the

present moment,


"Mindfulness is the aware,

balanced acceptance of the

present experience.  It isn't

more complicated than that.

It is opening to or receiving

the present moment,

pleasant or unpleasant, just

as it is, without either

clinging to it or

rejecting it."

"Mindfulness is having both present time awareness and

mental calmness.  These

components help educators

be more present and focused

in the classroom"

Jon Kabat Zinn,

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction

Sylvia Boorstein,

Author, Happiness is an Inside Job:

Practicing for a Joyful Life

Matthew Brensilver,

© 2020 Mainstream Mindfulness  *  Tools for Positive Living

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